Wednesday 8 July 2015

Wednesday 8th July 2015

Last night was tough. It was a busy night and we didn't get out on time. Ended up staying almost 2 hours sufffice to say I was exhausted when I finished.
More drama unfolded when I realised phone not in bag when I got home. Where was it had I lost it or had it fallen out of my bag into my locker  Tried ringing it but nothing.
Had a few hours sleep couldn't sleep for ages guess I was overtired. Woke around 1pm guess I had 3 hours sleep. Decided to head back to work see if it was there if not then I would have to contact the phone people to put a block on the phone or whatever they do. Thankfully it was at work. So I can rest.

So 3 hours sleep feel tired but will stay up till bed tonight even though I feel wrecked.

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