Thursday 16 July 2015

Thursday 16th July 2015

Slept till about 10.30 though not great. Went to bed about 12.30 but could not sleep for ages it was gone 1.30 anyhow anyhow I got up at 10.30 ish Messed about indoors watching some news come on here and so on decided to go on my run, I had been leaving it till llater in the day when its cooler but not bad today though a bit muggy.

8 minutes today decided to run up the hill do a loop hill was manageable not easy was puffing a little bloke walking up ahead he moved so I could pass managed to say cheers not easy when you're breathing hard.

ok run no fancy numbers 0.72 miles 11:07 pace - mile pace 4 seconds quicker legs felt a bit better 

Housemate on my return said I wasn't gone long. Had to explain that I was building back up so you don't go out on a 10 mile run straight away.

He doesn't run

 Weigh in this morning another lb less (5lbs in total)

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