Saturday 18 July 2015

Saturday 18th July 2015

Sorry didn't blog yesterday. But  back today  Friday I slept in till about 1pm so tired didn't help waking every few  hours and J  who shares this house  (we rent rooms) is a noisy bugger when he leaves for work.
Today I had a better sleep woke around 10:30 felt ok but laid in bed for an hour before  getting up  but  this could be  work related i'm hoping things  will get  better least  better for  me.

Running wise this one minute more  plan is working 9 minutes yesterday 10 today, continuous  running  building fitness up nicely feeling fitter already. Walked to the top of the  hill these past  2 days  before I began my run. I will run up the hill soon. will get fit soon

Warm day today and yesterday but still felt pretty good.

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