Thursday 9 July 2015

Thursday 9th July 2015

I was really tired yesterday, not much sleep only 3 hours or so but didn't go back to bed, till bedtime.
So tired I didn't go and run or walk or cycle. Not been on my bike yet but I will. So bed just after midnight did wake a few times really strange dreams had set alarm for 10.30 as was waiting for a supermarket shop delivery
Did not want to get up
But I did. Shopping came. Did some washing then off on a run walk. Went for 3.1 miles in just under 48 minutes I programmed it into my Garmin but I did it slightly wrong so stats not exact. I'll guess though I ran for about 20 of those minutes. I will publish stats when I get them right.

Talking of stats. Weigh in this morning. 150lbs that's a loss of 4 in the last week. Happy with that won't be that much each week but a good start.

Goal this week not to eat out except Saturday when I'm meeting up with a friend.

That's all folks for today.

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