Friday 3 July 2015

Friday 3rd July 2015

Last night was a busy one. But got home ate a banana, probably not the best idea not ideal but better than crisps which I have to say is a weakness of mine. Drank some water and off to bed at about 3.15.

Woke up about 2 hours later needed the loo. But went back to bed and slept till 10.30. This is good as I sometimes wake every hour or two.
Not easy to sleep well especially in the summer.

For breakfast I had some fruit an apple and a banana this seemed enough. With more water.

Another vice of mine is Coca-cola trying to limit the fizzy drinks. Had no crisps today this is good. Had some cottage pie with roast potatoes and veg tonight this should keep me going to bedtime.

Hours sleep 2+5. Pleased only had to get up once.

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