Wednesday 22 July 2015

Wednesday 22nd July 2015

A late one today. So no running yesterday being Tuesday and having to do another long night shift.
So onto today decent enough sleep ideally should be longer and unbroken  but nevertheless about 5 hours, doesn't sound a  lot but up I got

Firstly needed to do an errand so I decided to walk and extend that walk. Ended up walking 3.14 miles which was decent, still had my run to do

Later I did 13 minutes to do, walked up the hill and decided from there 6:30 out and back, it was slow a bit heavy legged but Wednesdays are always like that As my night shifts I'm on my feet all night, no sitting down  for me

A bit slower and not much further than Mondays run, but that's ok, working on routine and consistency 1.16 miles
14 minutes tomorrow

Monday 20 July 2015

Monday 20th July 2015

New week slept in till 1pm as in work all night.

And  with todays run my 6th on the trot even though they've not been long Its gradually getting longer and its getting into the routine again

12 minutes today legs felt a bit tired but managed ok 1.11 miles so over a mile Hopefully know runs are getting longer it will effect my weight my fitness and getting quicker

Tomorrow will be a rest day

Sunday 19 July 2015

Sunday 19th July 2015

Good night at work last night  finished on  time.  Time to relax on getting home before bed.
Did wake a  few times but much better than recently Upon one time on waking it was 12.30 lunchtime for most people decided I better get up whilst not at work tonight I wont sleep tonight if I stay in  bed much longer.

Legs felt tired always seems to take them a little while to wake up after I have actually woken up sounds strange but best way to describe it.

I could have rested today but if I was able thought I would get out it was only going to be 11 minutes. Besides next week (my week always starts on a Monday) I will be having 2 days off. Tuesday as mentioned before and Saturday to celebrate someone's birthday and work

So an out and back run  today did involve going up a hill on  the out but 11 minutes done for 0.97 miles just shy of the mile Works out to be 11:20 pace

Getting there

Saturday 18 July 2015

Saturday 18th July 2015

Sorry didn't blog yesterday. But  back today  Friday I slept in till about 1pm so tired didn't help waking every few  hours and J  who shares this house  (we rent rooms) is a noisy bugger when he leaves for work.
Today I had a better sleep woke around 10:30 felt ok but laid in bed for an hour before  getting up  but  this could be  work related i'm hoping things  will get  better least  better for  me.

Running wise this one minute more  plan is working 9 minutes yesterday 10 today, continuous  running  building fitness up nicely feeling fitter already. Walked to the top of the  hill these past  2 days  before I began my run. I will run up the hill soon. will get fit soon

Warm day today and yesterday but still felt pretty good.

Thursday 16 July 2015

Thursday 16th July 2015

Slept till about 10.30 though not great. Went to bed about 12.30 but could not sleep for ages it was gone 1.30 anyhow anyhow I got up at 10.30 ish Messed about indoors watching some news come on here and so on decided to go on my run, I had been leaving it till llater in the day when its cooler but not bad today though a bit muggy.

8 minutes today decided to run up the hill do a loop hill was manageable not easy was puffing a little bloke walking up ahead he moved so I could pass managed to say cheers not easy when you're breathing hard.

ok run no fancy numbers 0.72 miles 11:07 pace - mile pace 4 seconds quicker legs felt a bit better 

Housemate on my return said I wasn't gone long. Had to explain that I was building back up so you don't go out on a 10 mile run straight away.

He doesn't run

 Weigh in this morning another lb less (5lbs in total)

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Wednesday 15th July 2015

Another all nighter out of the way but I do lose a bit of Wednesday just really start to feel alive again come nightfall. I guess I am a Nightowl
So yesterday before work I was bad went and  had a KFC. with a large Pepsi  but that was that had water for rest of the night so by the time I went to bed the following morning I had  a good 12 hours without caffeine just  had an apple and some crispsthrough the night and almost a litre of water

Kept my phone away  from the bed, bed around 8am woke about 1.30 while not a lot of sleep I only woke once so a minor success and got up or rather I would be up half the night tonight.

Went for a run 7 minutes on my one  minute more plan a little stiff but always am on a Wednesday after 2 all nighters the rest of the week is normally a lot easier.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Tuesday 14th July 2015

A short blog today well experiment  failed. Had a  busy night really tired got home  went to bed at about 8am but woke many times every few hours or so Got up eventually at 4.15pm. while it seems a good length of them I'm not rested from it.

Anyhow just  get through tonight

Will still get through tonight